Accessories for Violin Player Beginners:
If you start to learn a string instruments there are some items you must have.
Must have:
Instrument, Bow and Case Our Recommendation: Economy E-10 Violin
Shoulder Rest Our Recommondation: Everest Shoulderrest
Music stand Our Recommondation: Chrome Folding Stand
Electric Tuner Our Recommondation: Electric Tuner
Rosin Our Recommondation: D'Addario Rosin
Polish (To clean the Dust of the Rosin) Our Recommondation: Core Polish
We also Recommend the Core Care Kit Rosin, Polish, Micro towel & Clip Tuner
Good to have:
Spare set of strings Our Recommondation: Prelude
Violin Mute for Study Our Recommondation: Violin Mute
Masterbow (helping to hold the Bow correctly) Our Recommondation: Master Bow
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